How to clean military boots

When you choose a pair of military boots, you will usually wear it to face the harsh environment. Such as sand, mud, rivers and so on. In order to extend their life, proper cleaning and maintenance is essential. Now we’re going to show you how to clean military boots.

Clean suede military boots

Suede boots are popular in military footwear, known for their durability and protective performance. However, the accumulation of dirt and sand can lead to hardening and cracking. Suede is also the most difficult to clean.

Military Safety Boots factory

Materials Needed:

  • Soft-bristled brush or cloth
  • Neutral soap
  • Old toothbrush
  • Water

how to clean military boots

Step-by-Step cleaning process

External Cleaning:

  • First remove dirt and dirt from the upper and sole of the shoe with a soft brush or cloth.

  • If you want to clean hard-to-reach areas like holes, use a toothbrush.

  • Make sure your boots are waterproof when cleaning large areas directly with water. And don’t use chemical cleaners.

Remove the insole and dump out any debris under it, then clean with a clean cloth.

Next, remove the laces and carefully clean the lining. If necessary, you can choose to apply neutral soap to the cloth. Don’t forget to clean the laces. Handling laces is very simple; you can wash them like socks.

Drying Process:

  • Leave the boots unlaced and let them dry in a well-ventilated area.

  • Avoid drying near heat sources or direct sunlight to prevent material and glue deterioration.

Storage and Protection:

When your boots are dry, remember to store them in a dry place. If you’re not going to use them, it’s best to store them in their original box.

By the time you finish reading this guide, you should have learned how to clean military boots. Following these steps ensures not only clean military boots but also enhances their durability and performance.