Do military boots cause flat feet

When discussing the question of “Do military boots cause flat feet?”, we should first deeply analyze the causes of the disease. Only after that can we combine the professional characteristics of military boots to conduct a scientific and reasonable analysis.

do military boots cause flat feet

Causes of flat feet

As a common foot deformity, flat feet have complex and diverse causes. This can be mainly divided into genetic factors and non-genetic factors. Among them, genetic factors are one of the main causes. In addition, factors such as unbalanced foot strength, trauma, arch collapse, and abnormal bone structure may induce flat feet.  With age, the natural decline of plantar fascia function may also lead to the appearance of degenerative flat feet.

Correction method

For this foot disease, there are many correction methods for you to choose from. First, wear suitable shoes, especially corrective insoles with arch support function. This is the most common non-surgical correction method. It is worth mentioning that Glory, as a military boot supplier, has also studied the correction of arches. Considering the special needs of soldiers, we have specially developed ergonomically designed insoles. Besides, we can also tailor a unique insole for you by measuring the developmental characteristics of your feet. In addition to corrective insoles, daily exercise is also an effective correction method. You can strengthen the foot muscles and improve the shape of the arch by skipping rope, climbing stairs and other exercises. In addition, for patients with more severe symptoms, surgical correction is a necessary choice. That can be achieved by implanting support materials or reconstructing the arch structure.

The effect of military boots and flat feet

Next, let’s go back to the question of whether military boots can cause flat feet. As a professional equipment, military boots are designed to adapt to various complex environments and high-intensity activities. Qualified military boots have undergone rigorous design and testing to ensure their comfort and functionality.


In summary, military boots themselves do not directly cause flat feet. The key is that you have to choose qualified military boots. Our products provide all-round protection and support for the wearer with their professional design and excellent quality. Whether you are a military enthusiast or a professional soldier, we strongly recommend that you choose us.