6 Factors to Consider When Choosing Combat Boots

6 factors to consider when choosing combat boots:


Men’s military boots can be made of different materials, which also determines their durability and thermal insulation properties. On the market, you can find a variety of options such as non-mesh materials, leather, synthetic leather, nylon and rubber for outsoles.

Leather is undoubtedly strong and durable, providing good wind and water resistance. But like other materials, leather can rot in extreme jungle environments, despite having a longer lifespan than other materials.

Nylon and synthetic materials are light and breathable. With proper footwear maintenance and protection, they can also be durable.


If you need to walk on various terrains and wetlands for long periods of time, the weight of the boots is an important factor.

Heavy boots put pressure on the feet and can slow you down, which is a disadvantage in the law enforcement industry. Military boots are generally heavy, and the exact weight varies depending on the role and specific mission.

Choosing Combat Boots

Sole of shoe

The sole is the bottom part of the shoe that makes contact with the ground. It is also made of different materials such as rubber, nylon, plastic or PVC.

Tactical shoes with rubber soles are non-slip and are ideal for walking on slippery surfaces.

Plastic soles became popular in Germany during World War II because they are lightweight and resistant to wear. However, these types of soles do not have a strong grip on the ground.

Bootleg height

Why are military boots and men’s combat boots taller? Their main purpose is to protect the feet and ankles from sprains. If a soldier sprains his ankle in combat, he can tie his shoes tight and continue with the mission.

Hiking boots are raised to provide ankle support and to prevent debris and foreign objects from entering the shoe.

But the height of the shoe can be chosen according to personal preference, depending on how comfortable you are with it.

The 6-inch boots are already supportive and comfortable for running and long hikes. The 8-inch model is suitable for casual and tactical use.


In outdoor activities, boots with good waterproof and thermal insulation are essential. No one wants to run around in the rain and mud with wet and cold feet.

Modern military boots are usually made of waterproof leather.

are bilitary boots comfortable


The flexibility of the boots is very important to the driver. You can determine the flexibility of tactical shoes by checking the sole. Rubber insoles are the softest and will shape around the foot over time. Flexible polyurethane plastics can also be used to make soft insoles.

These are the 6 factors to consider when choosing combat boots. Based on these factors, you can choose the boots that best suits your needs for optimal comfort and performance.